
On site, at my office and on-line service


I provide nutrition consults focusing on life stages such as  pregnancy/postpartum/breastfeeding and pediatric nutrition

Nutrition matters! 

I can guide you through: Pregnancy, Postpartum and breastfeeding nutrition: Its a busy time as you care for your baby and its important that you care for yourself too!

Eat healthy, be active, get back on shape by eating in a mindful way.

During Pregnancy: It’s important that your weight gain is slow and steady and that is and not excessive or low. Moms diet should be having adequate amount of nutrients and foods should be safe.

While breastfeeding: The academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months of life. Ideally, continue breastfeeding as you slowly introduce solid foods.

How to increase milk supply is on the mind of most breastfeeding moms Make sure you are eating enough nutritious foods to provide this extra calories. While drinking more water, doesn’t necessary means that you’ll produce more milk, dehydration can definitely reduce your supply. Sometimes the use of galactogogues can be helpful as well and some foods are popular for “increasing milk supply”. But the most important thing to increase milk supply is getting adequate stimulation from baby/pump and frequent breast emptying.


Plan a Visit

I encourage moms to schedule the initial visit within the first week. I can help ease the worries about breastfeeding and help you enjoy this precious time with your baby. Breastfeeding can be challenging at times specially at the start but you don’t have to work through it alone.

Come On In

Home visits, Telehealth and on site

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